Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health


When I was doing research to decide what to write with regards to International Nurses week, two things stood out as being particularly relevant to what is happening in the world today.

First, the international theme for nursing week this year is ‘Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health’. This is especially important in light of the global fight against COVID-19, where nurses are often on the front line caring for their patients whether that is in a hospital, the community, or in a nursing home. As a former nurse who has worked internationally, I have found that irrespective of where that nursing care is provided, it is done with dignity and compassion, whilst providing as much support as possible for the patient and their families to restore health and alleviate suffering, even under adverse conditions.

The second is that this year is the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingales’ birth. During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale promoted the importance of hand-washing to reduce infection rates, which is especially prevalent today and shows just how important the fundamentals are.

In our experience at Mozzaz, digital tools can assist nurses in providing virtual care and support through telehealth, remote monitoring and symptom tracking, education tools, mental health guidance, and resources for not only the nurses but for the patients in their care. These tools also help keep nurses safe. Digital technology can assist with data collection world-wide to help prepare the nurses for the future.

As the International Council for Nurses stated, ‘The need for nursing is universal’. Let us take a moment to recognize nurses around the world for their hard work, compassion, and dedication even in adverse conditions.


The International Council for Nurses 2012, ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses, viewed 13 May 2020,


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