Exciting HIMSS Update!

As always, a lot of exciting new announcements were made at HIMSS 2018 in Las Vegas. Our CEO, Sammy Wahab, presented the Mozzaz digital health platform for complex care to a group of international attendees. 

Ex-Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, forecasted what he thinks is the most exciting trend that will transform the healthcare industry: machine learning, and predictive analytics--changing how healthcare is delivered - read more.

Microsoft, along with Eric, also showcased a real-world example of this trend shaping the healthcare landscape.  Mozzaz is working with Microsoft Azure to use the power of analytics and machine learning to improve prediction and prevention in behavioral health care delivery – more on this later, stay tuned!

Learn more about Mozzaz and Microsoft working together.


Centerstone & Mozzaz Launch The ZERO Suicide Client Engagement Platform


Youth Villages Ready to Scale with Mozzaz Digital Health Solution Built on Microsoft Azure Platform