Whitepapers & Case Studies
Discover how we are improving complex care alongside our clients
Remote Patient Monitoring
Recent innovations in technology have empowered health systems and hospitals to change the way they think about healthcare delivery, and to embrace solutions like remote patient monitoring. This white paper traces the roots of remote patient monitoring from a nice idea to a necessary service, and one that will see continued growth and evolution as more organizations embrace it. It offers insight into the challenges of launching a program, as well as best practices for developing, scaling and sustaining the platform.
Value-Based Care
With 5% of the United States population accounting for 50% of total healthcare costs, there has been an increase in momentum from traditional payment models to value-based reimbursement contracts. This white paper features a real-world case study of consumer engagement and value proposition linkage in action.
Addiction Recovery
Learn how the continued success of California’s diversion program, administered by MAXIMUS & combined with the robust Mozzaz mobile platform, offers an effective model for protecting public health & safety, treating addiction and helping recovering individuals to return safely to productive lives.
Four mHealth Strategies
Care teams must coordinate between various specialists for their co-morbid patients, some of whom can consume disproportionate amount of medical resources without maintaining continuity between their care providers. Learn how you can engage patients with 4 mHealth strategies backed by unified and personalized data.
Outcome Driven Care Delivery
Providing the highest quality of support for individuals with complex care needs can be achieved in an affordable & sustainable way. Legislation, such as the HITECH Act, and performance frameworks, such as Meaningful Use, are affordably & efficiently facilitating the delivery of coordinated care to those in need.
More Case Studies
Mozzaz has actively worked with many organizations to help them solve challenges that they have in addressing complex care needs. Check out some of the different case studies that have been written on various different implementations of the Mozzaz system.